Friday began early at 4:30 a.m. when sleep was a desire, but not a reality. So why not get up and finish cleaning out that closet? Yes, why not? I didn't think to grab the camera for the before shot, but at least I got some proof of the afterwards before it gets all cluttered again!
Notice the scrapbook supplies that are begging, pleading to be used. Hmmm, not today. There is work to be done!
At this point, it was time to do normal morning stuff. Got Mackenzie to school an headed to get my oil changed. Oh yeah, and my tires rotated. 3 things and counting! (closet, oil, and tires - wait - there were filters replaced too! 4 things and counting!) Sorry no picture of the oil change.
Back at home now and while walking to the mailbox, the weeds in the flowerbeds caught my eye. Well, why not? 1 hour later and I had this:
while Avery did this:
and Nathan did this:
Too bad I didn't think to change shoes. I think they're ruined. We'll see.
Now, back inside. Time to pack up those clothes from the early bird great closet cleanout. Ready to donate!
Hmmm, maybe time to unpack a box from the garage. (yes, we moved in Feb. and still have unpacked boxes. Sigh). China unpacked, washed and stored.
Oh yeah, Avery made me play-doh pancakes.
And while we're dealing with boxes, it is time for the kids consignment sale. Let the pricing begin!
Check out the time!
Seriously, there were days this summer that I was still in my pajamas in the p.m. hours.
Now I needed some nourishment, so time for some no-bake cookies!
A little vaccuuming and a little laundry later and one more clock check.
Now I think I had a sugar crash and that was about it for the day. Now I have a weekend ahead with all playtime and no guilt! Like I said, it was a freaky kind of Friday!
By the way, Avery caught a bug while we were pulling weeds. It became her new little "friend" for the day. I asked what his name was and she informed me that HER name was "Tiffany". (The name of my best friend) What can I say? Sorry Tiff, today you were a gross little red and black bug around here. At least it wasn't a spider.