I have been meaning to post something all week, but it's just been one of those weeks. We have been learning how to be somewhere on time with 3 kids. A little challenging. Thank goodness it was only to swimming lessons - flip flops and ponytails are about the only requirements. Here's a few pictures to show the proof. And of course a cute one of little brother sleeping so soundly even the occasional splash of water doesn't bother him. Let's hope he stays this good natured!
ok, something more serious... I have found this amazing blog, from my friend savannah's website. The blog is called bring the rain, and I have the link posted. What a sad, sad story, but an amazing testimony of God's love. I shed a lot of tears while reading her story, but I was also so blessed! Her words have inspired me to dig deeper into God's word and to make it more real in my everyday life. Check it out if you have time!
Huge accomplishment of the week was our family photography session. Quite the challenge to get everyone there and ready, but wow - love the results! She got some really cute newborn pics of Nathan and the girls. We can't wait to see all of them, but you can check out a preview at http://www.rayelawphotography.com/blog/.