Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Start of something new

Well, after 1 week home with a newborn and 2 chatty girls, I have decided to give this blogging thing a try. It seems several of my friends do it and after reading their blogs for the past 3 days, I decided why not me? Although I am not sure what I could write that would possibly be of any interest to anyone else. Who would care that I was so thrilled that Nathan slept for 4 hours straight 2 times last night? Or that it is 1:00 and I am still in my pajamas while the girls are watching Alice in Wonderland? (It is of literary nature - maybe it will inspire them to read the book!) Life is very different from 2 weeks ago! My day now revolves around feedings - feeding the newborn every 3 hours, feeding the girls, breakfast, lunch, snacks, and of course feeding the whole family for dinner. It seems all I do is produce food for others' consumption. But that's what moms are, right? Nuturers, feeders? One day it will only be me and Marty and I won't even feel it is worth my effort to cook. So for today I will put my blogging away and look for a new recipe online for something interesting with chicken and broccoli. On the agenda for tomorrow - a trip with 3 kids to the mall to buy dad a new shirt! Nathan's first stroller outing!


My name is Sara. said...

Nathan is adorable. We can't wait to have him in the the nursery!!
(Grant is glad you didn't decide to name him Quatro.)

Sara and Grant

Savannah said...

you are great! i'm excited that you are blogging now. i can't wait to hear all the stories.