Tuesday, December 22, 2009

some Christmas mischief

My husband has been pestering encouraging me to update my blog with a new post, but in all the frenzy of Christmas related activities, I have been waiting for something truly blog-worthy until I made an update. Quite unexpectedly, this morning, I was gifted with the next blog post. True to the words, Christmas break, the girls have been given a break about bed times and sleeping rules. We don't allow the girls to sleep together during the school year because it is too difficult to enforce actual sleeping times instead of just bedtimes. So, for the past 3 nights, they have been allowed to stay up and watch Christmas movies and then sleep together. Last night, I tucked them into bed around 10:15 and told them lights out and stay in bed. This is what I found this morning:

Not sure what gave them the bright idea to put on a winter coat and sleep together crammed into a little closet space, but it made me smile this morning. It does this mom good to know that amidst all of the bickering and fighting between them, there is a little friendship growing.


Valerie said...

That is classic! So glad you took pictures to share with the rest of us. :)

Jennifer said...

That is so adorable!!!