Sometimes it's tough to be the baby. The only one who doesn't get to play in the snow. The only one left out of the snowman building experience.
Hurry up Spring! We are anxiously awaiting your arrival!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
I know it's only February and there is much of the year to experience still ahead, but may I please make an early nomination for 2010 Dad of the Year? (I'm not sure to whom this kid in the mismatched outfit and CROCHETED sweater belongs, but no kid of mine would ever venture out into the snow in this kind of attire. When I find her mother, I will have a serious talk with her about how to dress her children appropriately for snow play.) Yes, honey, I know. You're the man. You're the bomb.
Disclaimer: if these pictures are the slightest bit blurry, it may or may not have been due to the fact that they were taken through the window by a mom who was warm and cozy while sipping a cup of hot tea, and who was much too comfortable to even think about going outside to build a wet snowman.
It is one of my biggest joys in life to see my kids become readers. I love it when they become independent readers and make discoveries on their own. My oldest is a prolific reader and the only 9 year old I know who is trying to find out a way to make a living by reading books. My middle daughter is just beginning to read books on her own. She gets so excited when she can read independently and I can see her confidence growing. However, I especially want to encourage my son to become an avid reader. I think there is a stereotype among boys that it's not cool to read, or the assumption is made that they just don't have the attention span. I guess we will find out along the way. Moms of boys, what do you think about this? Is it an unfair stereotype that boys are not as thrilled with reading? How do you encourage your sons to read?
We have children's books literally all over our house. I want them to be accessible, available, tempting. So when I see my son doing this: and this and this and this and this it truly is chicken soup for my soul.
( I LOVE this kid's adorable flexed foot here, but please ignore the dirty socks folks. It's been raining snowing cats and dogs around here and mopping has been on the back burner.)