1. We went to our local nature center earlier this week where we watched 4 snakes eat lunch. What was lunch? Well a live mouse dropped into their cage. It was the most disgusting thing I think I have ever seen. A couple of the snakes just squeezed the mice until their eyes literally popped out and they died. It took about 10 minutes for the snakes to eat the mice whole. It was truly gross and fascinating at the same time. You guys are lucky I didn't bring my camera with me.
2. We are busy getting ready for a mucho grande (did I spell that right? I never took Spanish. I've always been more of en Francais type of girl.) 4th of July celebration around here. This will be our 3rd year for our party and it just keeps growing. We are praying the weather holds out and it won't rain so that we have to cancel.
3. If I could have one supernatural skill, I think I would wish for the ability to either speed read, or create multi-task reading. Like if I could fold laundry and read at the same time. Or if I could be washing dishes and reading. There are just too many books to read and not enough time. I found myself pumping gas today and thinking, "I wish I was reading, right now at this minute instead of pumping gas." I don't think my Kindle has helped with this problem....
4. For the first time in 10 years, my home has no baby crib in it. I have taken this transition surprisingly well. No tears, no melancholy. I think I was more excited about putting together a little boys room.
5. The no crib for naptime transition has been terrible. I spend about 45 minutes to an hour standing outside the room, making surprise visits, and then issuing various disipline measures. There have been lots and lots of tears and I am discovering that I am a parent to either a very stubborn boy or a boy with a wonderful sense of a cheerful, buoyant, persistent spirit.
6. The worst part of the recent naptime debacle was when Nathan was sobbing and he starting crying, "rock me, rock me". Uh, kid....we sold the rocking chair in a garage sale 3 weeks ago remember? When I told reminded him the rocking chair went bye-bye, all kinds of tears started flowing. Knife to the heart and note to future mother's everywhere - never get rid of your kids' rocking chairs because there may be that one time when they are crying and need you to rock them and you'll realize the $45 in your pocket is worthless.
7. My parents will be at my house for the holiday weekend and I have yet to a)unpack my groceries from my shopping trip this morning, b)clean their bathroom and c)wash their sheets. Looks like I'm getting up at the crack of dawn.
8. I will be getting up at the crack of dawn because the moons have aligned and I get to enjoy a VERY rare night out tonight. Going to see Eclipse with a great longtime friend - my first and dearest in Fort Smith, dare I say. We have seen all the Twilight movies together, so we are pumped to get our Team Edward on tonight.
9. Remember that funny "Dad's Life" video I posted yesterday? Well, I stated that it was obvious to me that my husband was well represented by the pasty white dad that loved rockin' the John Deere lawnmower singing about his "manscaping". When I showed it to Marty that night, he thought he was represented by the dad rapping about his big screen tv. Funny how our perception of ourselves never does quite line up with what other people think. I think that's a lesson for me to quit worrying about other's views and just go with my own reality. My fantasy world is probably more fun anyway.
10. So excited about getting my girls some tickets to go see a Broadway production of Beauty and the Beast. Of course it's a traveling Broadway show, but still, I love to get them exposed to the little bit of culture that comes our way.
11. Today, while I was at Walmart, I saw a lady wearing a white Hooter's tank top. The problem was this lady was probably over 200 lbs. Now, I try to not judge people, but I truly think it's a matter of evaluating a taste level, not judgment. I found myself wondering the entire time at Walmart how in the world she came in possession of a Hooter's tank top and who told her she looked good in it and why on earth would you wear it to Walmart. Fascinating stuff.
12. My husband doesn't know it yet, but I am scheming a plan to abduct my oldest daughter for her birthday weekend that involves the two of us flying to Orlando and spending 2 days at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. This also might involve a visit to my bff and her daughter at the same time. I'm sure when he reads this blog (he is by far my most faithful reader - out of all 3 of them), he will be realize the kind of SUPER MOM status this will be bestowed upon me by my new 10 year old. This renewed affection, adoration, and appreciation by the new 10 year old will then in turn set us both on a course to navigate the waters of impending teendom with love and respect. We will never be forced to yell at each other, slam doors, endure eye rolling and name calling. We will eat ice cream at midnight and giggle about boys and discuss how ridiculously immodest some girls are today. Meanwhile my husband will relax and enjoy a stress free few years knowing he can pinpoint it all to the day she turned 10 and her mother whisked her away to an outrageous Harry Potter filled weekend. We will....wait....just a minute...there's a few pigs flying around outside that I've got to check out. Catch you later!