This week I learned that when your 2 year old spills an entire pitcher of lemonade on your tile floor, it's okay for bare feet to play in lemonade puddles before the clean up begins. Happy weekend!
How about a post that's a little lighter and fun than recent ones? I love surprises. Especially if they require no obligations on my part. We recently bought a new vehicle (yea!!!) after a deer hit our van. Secretly, I think my husband was just waiting for an excuse to put an end to his minivan driving days, but that's another story. After searching everywhere, and I do mean everywhere, we finally found exactly what we were looking for Tulsa, which is not too far from home. We loaded up on a Saturday and headed to the Lexus dealership. That's just so happened that our pre-owned with low miles and 2nd row bucket seats Suburban was sitting at a brand new Lexus dealership. She's a beautiful gas guzzling machine. We've already nicknamed her "the beast". Anyway, back to my surprise. Doing business with an upscale dealership like Lexus has some perks. Personal follow-up phone calls, snacks and drinks while paperwork was being completed, thick plush logo napkins in the bathrooms. These were my husband's favorite and he may or may not have swiped a handful to put in our guest bathroom at home. It doesn't matter to him if it's inappropriate to have Lexus napkins in our bathroom. He thinks they are great. So, last night, we received a few packages, and assuming they were some Christmas or late birthday gifts, it was a fight to see who could open it faster. Well, it seems like Lexus of Tulsa has been doing a little Christmas shopping. They were so kind as to even shop at one of my favorite stores, William-Sonoma. Score! There was thisand this
and this
Thank you Lexus of Tulsa. My house smells like a beautiful Christmas tree thanks to you and your customer service perks. Almost makes me want to check out the 2 seater red convertible you had in your showroom. Almost.
4 and 1/2 months ago we were excited. We were about to welcome Lily, our first niece and girl cousin into the world. My girls were ready to share all of their knowledge of bottles and brothers and tea parties. I was looking forward to a sweet girl to nurture, love, and encourage through life, the same way my own aunts have helped nurture and encourage me. July 30th changed a lot of things for our family. Immediately after Lily was born, our visions of love shifted to a complete unconditional nature. We would love Lily even more despite whatever her physical or mental capabilities might be. She had already become the most special member of our family. And then later, we found out that Lily's time with us was going to be incredibly short. Months. It seemed so unfair. It still does. They were a fast and furious 4 months filled with prayer, birthday parties, home visits, and more prayer. And without being able to speak a word or even lift an arm or smile, Lily began to change people. For some it was a call to pray more. For some it was a call to a deeper faith as demonstrated by her parents. For some it was a reminder to hold their loved ones closer and to be content. For some, it was a lesson on how to love others. For me, she did all of those things. Without one word, she has changed us and we are not the same.
Today was Lily's memorial service. It was beautiful and perfect. Her Uncle Luke wrote a beautiful song for her that he sang at the service today. I've put it on the link below, but be warned that you should have some tissue nearby. I am also posting the letter that Lily's grandmother wrote and that was read at the service today. It is the beautiful story of Lily's life told by her own perspective. Today has been a difficult one for our family, but we are still here, still proclaiming God's love, mercy, and kindness. We love you, sweet Lily.
A story called…
The Light of Lily by Shareen Pruitt
Hi to everyone. My name is Lillian Paige Pruitt. Before I made my whirlwind of a grand entrance on July 30, 2010 at 12:52 PM, God my Father prepared me.
I sat on His lap as HE explained that He was going to send me on a mission to a place called earth. He told me that HE IS LOVE, but HE wanted me to take HIS LOVE with me and spread it all over the place. He explained that I might see it as a roller coaster ride. That actually sounded kind of fun to me!
He said that I would see and experience what was called sadness and sickness, but His Love would always win. My heavenly Father promised me that no matter what happened, He would never ever leave me. He said that I would never have to be afraid. He said some things would happen to me that I might not fully understand, but that all I had to do was TRUST HIM! God never lies you know.
He told me that he was going to give me what was called a Momma and a Daddy and 2 brothers. God told me that they were very full of HIS love, but I would be used to make their love grow even stronger for God and each other. This is where the spread of God’s love through tiny little me all began.
God looked at me at that moment, hugged me tight with a great big smile and kiss and said, “You go getum Little Lily!”
July 30th, I entered the world! Oh my! What a fuss they made! I could tell that this might not be such an easy task after all!
I was what they call, BORN! I remember when my Momma and Daddy that God told me about, held me for the very first time. Talk about cool! I felt the very same love as I felt on my Father’s lap in heaven. God’s peace and contentment came all over me. I knew I was where God wanted me to be. I felt safe.
I was in what was called a hospital for a long time and I finally got to meet my big brothers, Denver and Hudson. Boy, were they ever wild and fun! I couldn’t have asked for better big brothers than those two. God certainly knew what He was doing! They were very special and when they held me, I once again, felt the very same love that I felt the day I sat on the lap of God.
My Momma and Daddy, Denver and Hudson always saw that I did as many fun things as I could since God had already decided I would only be on earth for a short time. Not every little girl gets to have four birthday parties, lunch dates, go fishing, horse back riding, have their fingernails and toenails painted, all topped off with a trip to Disney World in just four months!
I met all of my family and so many friends. My cousins McKenzie, Avery, Nathan, Jackson and Jace were always kind and gentle. I loved them so much and oh how special they are in God’s eyes.
One thing I’ve learned is when God decides something, HE GETS IT DONE! HE ALWAYS WINS!
Hudson couldn’t have said it better to momma, “Momma, Jesus is coming to see Lily soon,” and that is exactly what he did. Jesus said to me, “Miss Lily, your mission is accomplished, and I am well pleased! It’s time for you to come home with me where your momma, daddy, Denver, and Hudson can all be together someday with us. Those who ask Me in their hearts will live with Me forever in heaven. I am their Godly Father and they are my children.”
He told me that where he was taking me, there would be no sickness or sadness. He told me that I would see, hear, sing, talk, walk, run, and dance. HE told me that I would be perfect and totally healed. I’m excited!!!
As Jace, my cousin always says, “That’s the Best!!!