Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Eat at your own risk

As I always do, I surveyed my family members before an impending trip to Wal-mart. Because it never fails that the moment I walk in the door after a grocery trip, someone will say, "Mom, I'm glad you are home - I've been looking everywhere for you to tell you I need _______ (fill in the blank) for school tomorrow morning!" I like to be able to respond with a mature, "Too bad, so sad, I ALREADY asked you!" Not really. I would probably just sigh and make plans to stop at a store in the morning. But you get the idea. I try to avoid the scenario.

Yesterday, my oldest whispered in my ear that she wanted Oreo cookies. I was a little suspicious that the one family member out of five that actually does not like Oreos was requesting them from the grocery. I also could not understand why she was whispering. Then she handed me a printed sheet from a website. The website name? aprilfoolzone.com Yep. She has already been planning and plotting her April Fool's jokes for this Friday. Her joke of choice? She wants to scrape the cream filling out of several Oreo cookies, replace it with toothpaste, and serve it to Avery and Marty, who are cuh-razy about Oreos. I'm slightly impressed with her ambition and ability to plan ahead. I also kinda want to warn the other two. Of course, she is assuming the Oreos will last until Friday. And that's an awfully big assumption around here.

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