Well, there has been a whole lot of country-ness going on round these parts! (This is my attempt at sounding like an official cowgirl. Not very effective.) It all began with my oldest and her love of reading. Would this be a perfect spot to brag that she received an award last week at her school for reading the most books of a lower grade student? Ever. In the school's history. That would be over 200 this school year. Now this would be a simple task if she was reading Dr. Suess or Flat Stanley every night. But not my little overachiever. She has been reading Charlotte's Web, Nancy Drew mysteries, Ramona and other Judy Blume greats, and her most recent favorite series - Little House on the Prairie. My mom bought her the first book for Valentine's Day and she's been reading about Ma, Pa and little Laura ever since. She has even been moved to tears over Pa having to move the family across state lines to Missouri. She has expressed her love for a fiddle and wishes that we could have nights listening to her own "Pa" tell stories that ended with a little fiddle music. Miley Cyrus - be gone from this house, Mackenzie has new love! It has thrilled me and I am planning to rent the tv series for her to watch once she has read the books.
Now, on with the country life. I have been mulling around the idea of a garden lately. Mostly because my very creative sister-in-law had herself a cute little garden for the past few years where she would make us a fresh salad using ingredients she just picked out of her own backyard. Since last year, her family has moved and the garden has disappeared with it. However, we have also moved and guess what came with our new home? Almost an acre of land. All kinds of room to plant great things that my kiddos will love. Tomatos, squash, cucumbers, basil, rosemary... Ok, the squash and herbs are for me. Marty has been all aboard this project because there is not a man around that loves a fresh grown tomoto more than him! I only mentioned it twice, and suddenly there he was, buying dirt and setting out railroad ties. I am still waiting on our last freeze before I officially plant anything. Once I see some sprouts, I will post some pictures so that you an enjoy this forage into uncharted territory for the Shell family.
Just yesterday, Avery was filling me in on her latest animal love. Cows. Yep, those are her new favorite animals, she informed me. Since we have not seen a cow or spoken of cows recently (I don't think the Chick-fil-a cow counts), I'm not sure where the love for cows has come. I very quickly asked her if she would like to be a cow for Halloween. I am always looking for something besides a princess and thought this would be a nice change. I was just starting to picture a cute little black and white cow pattern on her face when she informed me that no, she would not be a cow for Halloween. She had already decided what she would be and that was a "farm wife". Now, since she has not ever been on a farm, I thought I should clarify. What exactly was a farm wife? She informed me very seriously that a farm wife was the lady on the farm that wears the long dresses and takes care of the family. Hmmmm, sounds a lot like Laura from the Little House to me!
So, between the books, the garden, and the farm wife revelation, the big city has definitely taken a back seat around here. And I couldn't be more thrilled! So thrilled that I decided to carry the country themed week even further and bought my husband and I a treat. Tickets to a country music show. One of our favorite country music shows. A country music show that we have already seen twice before. But this time, it's THIRD ROW, BABY!!!! I can't wait for
this song up close and personal. Kenny Chesney, Miranda Lambert and Lady Antebellum and a night away with no kids for the first time in 18 months. Wow. Just. Can't. Wait.
That's all the country I got, ya'll. Take care and maybe I'll catch ya down yonder.