A few days ago my brother called and invited us to go to Cancun for a week on a couples trip. tempting. After talking it over, we decided that due to circumstances (kids, finances, time, work, blah, blah, blah) that we would have to pass. Sometimes it's no fun being a responsible grown up.
Apparently, the idea of a beach themed vacation has not entirely left my mind. When Avery brought home a note reminding parents of the upcoming 100 day of school celebration, I decided to get a little creative with the project. This year we would not just bring a bag of 100 m&m's or make a 100 Fruit Loop necklace. We would do something tropical. Something with blue waters, marine life, palm trees.
May I take a moment to introduce you to 100 Marshmallows Island?
It's the closest we're getting to a tropical getaway for a while.
Today I experienced my first derailment in the quest to achieve certain weight loss health and fitness goals this year. A temporary setback.
A traditional New Orleans King Cake sent by my sweet aunt straight from Randazzo's bakery. (Thanks, Aunt Nancy!) These are so yummy and they bring back so many memories of childhood class parties and Mardi Gras celebrations for me. So with no thoughts of treadmills and calories and (gulp), trans fats, we will enjoy our once-a-year treat and pass on a little of my New Orleans heritage to my kids . And yes, they fight over that silly little plastic baby inside just like my brother and I did when we were little. It's tradition.
And tomorrow, this train is back on the rails where it belongs.
While my two girls bicker like cats and dogs and then run off giggling like best friends, their love for their brother is a little more consistent. For the most part, they are patient and kind, helping him learn to navigate in his little world. He has learned how to climb on chairs, open doors, find a snack, color, and brush his teeth. Before long they will be teaching him how to sneak pizza in his room (hide it under your pillow - mom will never find it!), how to take gum out of mom's purse, how to fake brushing your teeth, how to hide dirty clothes under your bed and how to eat your sister's McNuggets when she's not looking. But for now, I think I will sit back and enjoy the displays of brotherly love and instruction that is taking place. The rest will come soon enough.
After weeks of wiggling and wiggling a stubborn little tooth, while shopping tonight, it was finally pried loose It happened at a store that's filled with rustic charm, that's right - it happened at Pottery Barn! Six years old, now waiting for the tooth fairy to appear, and tonight this mom may shed a little tear. You see, to a busy mom & dad, she still seems a baby, But tonight God showed us she's becoming a little lady.
Now her smile is changed forever & reveals the passage of time, it's these little facts mom & dad like to deny. She will keep growing, more teeth will fall out, but Avery will forever be our sweet baby girl, without a doubt!
1. Eating Pomegranate seeds I love, love, love these things. New fruit for me this year, I bought them by the armful in December and saved some for January. Now out of season, I am savoring my last few pomegranates and all of their juicy flavor.
2. Praying for my grandmother In and out of the hospital for various events several times last year, this latest episode in ICU for the past two weeks has my family feeling a lot more venerable about her health. Thankfully, she is on the road to recovery now, but not without complications that may or may not be permanent. Married for over 60 years, it's been incredibly hard on my grandfather to see her health decline.
3. Spent 1 week with no social media I disengaged for the first week of January from Facebook, Twitter, blog writing/reading, and texting. I ended up loving the quietness and accomplished much more on my to-do lists. I learned I am addicted to reading blogs-I had over 120 entries piled up for me on Google Reader after my week off! In my defense, I can skim-read through blogs pretty fast and it only took me a little over an hour to catch up. I also learned that I can do away with Facebook with very little pain, but without Twitter, I'm at a total loss for our local weather forecast. Thanks Garrett for keeping me updated!
4. Made 2 batches of Texas Caviar Never had this stuff before, but it is soooo good. I hope someone tells me this is semi-healthy to eat, because I may or may not have eaten an entire batch all by myself.
5. Reading Currently reading Ford County by John Grisham (donated to me by my Father-in-law, who has proceeded to ask me about it every time I see him now, which has caused me to bump it up to the top of my reading list) and The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Marie Ann Shaffer. So far, both books are great!
6. Gaming Playing a LOT of the new Mario Bros. game on the Wii. Mackenzie and I are a little addicted to this game and we play together all the time. Currently on world 5, but hoping to make it to world 6 by the end of January!
7. Running - consistency at the gym has = 20 miles run in the past 8 days.
8. Organizing closets and purging for a spring garage sale.
9. Attending elementary school awards assemblies. So proud of my girls and all of their hard work! Straight A's for both, but it's those Good Citizen awards that make me most proud.
10. Read The Time Traveler's Wife. I cannot say enough good about this book. I loved, loved, loved it. It has been immediately promoted to one of my top 5 books, ever. It is so tragically beautiful. It haunted me for days and I could not stop thinking about Henry and Claire. They were so real to me. I haven't seen the movie, but I plan on renting the DVD when it is released even though I know it can't possibly compare to the book. And I will probably re-read this book again in the next few weeks. I'm a nerd like that.
11. Watching the Battlestar Gallactica tv series on DVD. Currently on episode 5 and hooked enough to watch the entire series. (insert nerd reference here again)
12. Experimenting with a new camera lens. Looking forward to some milder weather to get outside and take some more pics of the kiddos! There's just something about being cooped up in the house that makes them a little goofy.
13. Shopping for 8 birthday gifts. From cousins,nephews, and great friends to brothers and Father-in-law, January to mid-February is birthday central for us.
14. Hosted our small group for our 2010 kick-off. We've been together for 4 years now and I consider it such a blessing to spend every Sunday night laughing with such great friends.
15. Watching The Good Wife with Juliana Margulies. I have watched this show since the fall premiere, but I had several episodes backlogged on my DVR. It's a great show and I love seeing a show with a smart female lead that cannot be classified as a cougar, housewife, or reality star. Refreshing.