Monday, May 18, 2009

Full Steam Ahead!

Funny how my last post was about unproductivity, because that funk is definitely over! It has been full steam ahead around here, and not a moment too soon. The school year is quickly wrapping up and I am facing my busiest two weeks of the year. Soccer was postponed due to the monsoons that we have experienced and now the games are overlapping with end of school year activities and dance recitals. I think we are running around to activities every day this week between 4 and 8. 2 dance recitals and soccer games this weekend and we'll be ready to have a breather on Sunday and Monday before tackling the last 4 days of school. Those days will include (among soccer, thank you rain) 2 assemblies, field day and preschool graduation (sniff, sniff, more on that to come). Summer is knocking on the door and we are all excited about the upcoming break.

We have had a little hiccup in the midst of all this activity. My youngest girl, my spunkiest (is that a word?), most active, most easy going, fell off the balance beam at gymnastics. The manager told me it was probably sprained, my hubby said to just watch it a while. Well, 6 days later I finally took her in to have it checked out and sure enough - it was broken in 2 places. TERRIBLE MOM!!! Who lets their daughter play with a broken arm for 6 days?? I even sent her back to gymnastics where she proceeded to do cartweels, back bends and handstands. She barely even complained. Anyway, one green cast later and we are set for 1 month. She will look lovely at her dance recital. Don't worry I will post pics because I know this will be a recital that won't be forgotten! She has been so brave and it has barely slowed her down a stitch. We'll see how that translates once the opportunity to swim is denied. I am quite thankful it occured at the end of the year, not interfering with any of her school work or writing development. I am going to make her a little countdown calendar to June 16, when hopefully, she will have 2 working arms again!


Jennifer said...

She sure does look cute in that bottom picture though!

Matt and Jolee said...

Oh my goodness! You sound like me... One time Landen hit his head on a ground stake and I gave him the you have to be a tough boy speech and sent him back out to play. Late that night we were in the ER and he got staples in his head! Oops... She sure is cute, though :-)