Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Mother's Day. It's one of my favorite days of the year. My request for Mother's Day this year was for my husband to watch my kids while I went to visit my mom in St. Louis. This was her first Mother's Day since my grandmother passed away in April and my father would be out of the country. I just couldn't stand the thought of her being alone on Mother's Day. My brother and sister and I surprised my mom Friday night and spent the weekend with her just hanging out in STL. We did some fun things like visit Crown Candy, a famous STL joint that has been featured on Man vs. Food. We have no pictures from the weekend, but it was nice not to be behind a camera for a change too.

While I love to celebrate my own mom, I also love that my kids are old enough to craft some goodies for me from their own imagination. No store bought cards here! I couldn't help but display a few of the more "colorful" items I received!

This was by Avery and a line of it reads "I love you not the devil, I know that you love God." Ha! Cute, sweet, and true!

This one by Avery reads, "It is Mother's Day and I will obey you and do what you say." Makes me chuckle when I realize I wasn't even home for Mother's Day and I missed my one day of golden behavior. I wonder if I can get a raincheck?

Mackenzie's tag reads, From: U-Know-who To: Da-Bome (Bomb) I'm going to enjoy these years when I am still da-bomb and not, you know, the crazy mother who doesn't know or understand anything and NEVER allows her do what everyone else is doing. Those years are coming, I FEEL it.

I love this card and everything that is written in it. But I can't lie. It takes all the willpower I have to bite my tongue and not point out the incorrect use of "your" when I read it. One of my BIGGEST pet peeves! Seriously teachers, why is this not corrected by the 3rd grade? I am thinking of holding a summer lesson on the proper use of your and you're. I know I break all kinds of grammar rules all the time, but this one is truly so easy to fix. Can I get an amen?

She copied this poem from a book at school with the sole purpose to make me tear up. She succeeded!

I love, love these tea cups from Starbucks my sweet sister gave me. It was so thoughtful of her to remember me for Mother's day. They remind me very much of a store that I love. I store like....anthropologie....

I had a little change in my pocket and picked up these gems from Anthropologie while we were in STL. I love the earrings and my cute little vase was only $8! Score! I just love that store, but yet, so thankful I don't have one close by!


Valerie said...

A resounding AMEN on the grammar! But I love those cards your kids made. Priceless. And most people think I would be happy that we are getting an Anthro mere blocks from my house, but, alas, I am not. My wallet is not either. But if I can secure a PT job there (for the discount, of course), you'll have to come visit me then!

Amy said...

Oh, AMEN! Your and You're, Were and Where, and so many more....like saying Brian and I's....oh, I HATE that. And what's really sad is that I hear SO MANY teachers use horrible grammar. Seriously, they should do a verbal and written interview. Seriously.