Friday, June 4, 2010

More than a little addicted

I have a question for you fellow bloggers: How in the world do some of you find time to post everyday? I have read various blogging tips such as set a certain time every day to post and never miss it, write every day even if it is just a little something, etc. I always have good intentions, but more often than not, I always put it off. Sometimes I have so many great pics and blog ideas running through my head it can be overwhelming to think about posting it all, so I just don't. I think it's a goal for the summer to be more motivated post-wise.

I think a major reason I don't post more often is because I sign on to my computer and the first place I land is my google reader which tracks all of the blogs I read with their unread posts. If you are a blog reader and don't already use a reader, I highly suggest it. It is so much easier! I currently suscribe to about 50 blogs and by the time I read everyone else's posts, my time is gone. I just love it though. I love keeping up with fun friends and their families, like and I love great photography blogs like and my own bff's site I read lots of Disney-related blogs (it's my home away from home and easily my #1 vacation spot), cooking blogs (the standards Pioneer Woman, bakerella and one of my new faves I am baker.) and there are several decorating type blogs like Farm Chicks that are great for inspiring ideas. Check out my uber-cool college friend Valerie's blog and her beyond awesome birthday party that she threw for herself. I mean, look at all we missed out on before blogging became so much fun! I love reading some great devotional blogs that challenge me every day to read more of the Word, study more, live more. And because I am somewhat of a tech-nerd, I have to throw a few of those type blogs into the mix.

So, inquiring minds want to know: Are you addicted to reading blogs like me? How many do you regularly follow? (please tell me it's more than 50, I'll feel so much better!) What are your top 3? I still love checking out new blogs and would love to hear which blogs you love!


Valerie said...

Woo for the shout out! Although I don't know about the uber-cool part -- more like uber-nerdy or uber-quirky, haha. ;) And oh, I am more than a bit addicted. I think my blog roll is more like 200 that I follow (no, I am not kidding, and no I don't read every single post). So I am the wrong gal to ask! I hear ya' though -- so many unwritten posts fly through my head every day -- if only there was some sort of magic computer to type them down as I think them, I would post so much more often!

Amy said...

Other than blogging, my question for people is this: How do you stay organized and keep a clean house with 3 kids, all 5 and under, in the same house?? Everyday I feel like a failure as a housekeeper. I'm sensing a blog post coming here.....

I'm not a regular blogger, so I have no idea on regularly scheduled posts. ALTHOUGH, I have periodically sat down and done several posts at once and just had them scheduled to post at later times. Ingenious, no? HA!

By the way, dropped Ben off at VBS today! Didn't know you were teaching!!!

Party of Five said...

Ok, Valerie, I feel better knowing that you read 200 blogs. I'm tempted to ask you for more suggestions, but then my list would be longer! :)

Amy, no such thing as a clean house with 3 kids under 5. Only maybe a clean room is the best you can hope for. You know, like I got a bathroom cleaned today. Sure the rest of my house is trashed, but at least one bathroom is beautiful!

Brandy said...

My name is Brandy and I'm an addict... sometimes I click and click and click and end up on blogs and never know how I got there...