Thursday, May 27, 2010

Merry is the month of May, part 1

I have a love/hate relationship with the month of May. I love it because it means summer is upon us and free time is right around the corner. I hate it because it is always so busy wrapping up activities, school functions, Mother's Day, birthday parties. It can truly be exhausting. Usually all of the activity plus exhaustion = family time that is not always the most relaxing. It's a lot of "hurry up, not now, maybe tomorrow or next week, because I said so, hurry up, get in the car, we're leaving right now, hurry up, leave your brother/sister alone, let's go, hurry up..." you get the idea. Thankfully, the end is in sight and we are looking forward to our last day of school tomorrow and a 3 day holiday weekend spent at home with no agenda.

Since blogging has taken a back seat to all of this activity, I am going to be posting a few catch-up posts. We actually did some fun things, so it's worth going back and documenting some family moments we had along the way. First up was a trip to the park with Nathan and then a neighborhood block party that was full of kid-friendly fun: bounce arounds, cotton candy, clowns, carriage rides and popsicles. The weather was beautiful and it was a great way to kick off summer!

I love this next picture so much. He looks like such a little boy and he is so proud that he can run now. A rabbit had caught his eye and as much as I tried to get him to approach quietly, he couldn't contain his excitement!

After spending so much time outside, poor Nathan got hit with some pretty intense allergy symptoms. His face and eyes were so swollen and although he is enjoying his first push-up experience, he can't help but look pitiful. Someone really should have told his parents the last place he needed to be hanging out was a fresh cut grassy field.

This girl, with no allergies, was having a grand time being in her social circle element.

A joy for jumping is discovered....

but there's always time for a quick kiss to dad.

Mackenzie in summer fun mode,

and finally a horse drawn carriage ride with neighbor friends.

More on May to come!

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