Sometimes, as a mom of 3 young children, it seems like most of my days are spent moving stuff. Restocking the pantry, throwing out trash, picking up toys, transferring laundry from bedrooms to laundry room to washer to dryer to closets and dressers. And usually the next day, it all has to be done again. Not the most exciting part of my "job." The worst though, is the semi-annual clothes clean out. There are 2 nephews that supply me with tons of clothes for Nathan that must be sorted and there are tubs of Mackenzie's old clothes that must be pulled out and perused for Avery. Then there are Mackenzie's clothes that must be determined: still fits, outgrown (save for Avery), donate. It's all very exhausting and is usually a 2-3 day event.
Luckily I had a little helper to provide a few moments of distraction. On a side note, if this kid's socks continue to be so dirty, I may decide to switch him to black socks every day. I am so glad this chore is o.v.e.r. and these totes are moving out!

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