1. My hubby celebrated his 36th birthday. Wow, we are getting old! :) 23 when I met him, and yes he is still making me smile! Avery was so cute, when about halfway through the day, she gasped and said, "Mom, who is making dad's cake? What about his party?" Ah, the birthday mentality of a 4 year old. So the girls and I hightailed it to the mall while dad took care of the little man. A few carefully selected discounted clothes and one cookie cake later and we had a party!
2. My little man hit his first big milestones: 1 month old, can lift his head while on his tummy, and his first smiles! Nothing warms your heart like those first toothless little grins. I wish I could say I got a picture of it, but alas, the camera was not at the ready. I can't believe he is a month old!
3. Avery loves to cook. Every day she asks if she can help in the kitchen. 9 times out of 10, I say no. I'm just in too much of a hurry. This week, I remembered why I am staying home with my kids and I said yes. She had a ball making her first batch of banana nut bread.
4. Big sister moments. The girls are really enjoying their little brother. I have to document it, because it may not last long. They love seeing him smile, love holding him, and fight over who gets to give him the pacifier. Poor little guy didn't know he would have 3 mothers! :)
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