Thursday, July 10, 2008

Nothing better than great friends!

Has God ever provided something for you that you did not even know you needed? It is the most wonderful thing! Sometimes it may be something big as in extra money, a new home, a new job or sometimes it is all about the little things such as a sweet family bringing you dinner. If you read the previous blog entry, you can tell the constant cooking and feeding was getting to me. Out of the blue a friend called me yesterday and wanted to bring us dinner. Wow! A night with no cooking. I was not going to turn this down. She didn't say what they were bringing, but it could have been frozen corn dogs for all I cared! However, you should have seen the eyes of my little family when they showed up with: (get ready for it) turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, green beans, rolls, macaroni and cheese, key lime pie, and homemade candy coated pretzels for the girls. WOW! Like Thanksgiving! Of course, food is always about more than the meal. What this couple didn't realize and could not predict was that I had a terrible afternoon with the baby. Couldn't get him satisfied or to sleep, the girls were kind of climbing the walls and I had gotten nothing accomplished all day. Actually, I was pretty close to tears when they showed up with the feast. Miraculously, after dinner, the baby fell asleep, the hubby entertained the girls, I had no dishes to clean up and I was able to get so many things accomplished. Granted, it's not like I cleaned my whole house or did an art project or anything crazy like that. But I did get a few loads of laundry done, balanced the checkbook, and went to bed at a decent hour. Now today, I actually have had time to check emails, update this blog and may even get to do a little scrapbooking! It's a chain reaction and one that only God really knew that I needed. He used this sweet, sweet family to show that he cares about every little detail of my life. All I can say is THANK YOU!

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