Monday, October 18, 2010

A new fall tradition

The other day the realization struck me that I have created a new fall tradition. You see, I love to cook and puree my own pumpkin. A few years ago, I never really knew that one could actually cook a pumpkin. I guess I thought the only way to use pumpkin was from a can of Libby's. Then one day, a friend at work talked about baking her pumpkins to get ready for the holidays. What? You bake your own pumpkins? She told me how easy and tasty it was and sent me home with some scratched out directions to make my own pumpkin puree. And guess what? It is easy breezy. Simply clean, cut, scrape, bake, puree, freeze, use. For your enjoyment I'm linking to PW's instructions, but once you try it, there are really no instructions needed. Don't get me wrong. It is not cheaper and there is really nothing unhealthy about those cans of Libby's pumpkin. However, there is something about smelling the fresh pumpkin baking and seeing the bright orange bags in my freezer that speaks fall to me now. I love using a pumpkin for something practical and now I have plenty of pumpkin on hand for pumpkin pies, bread, muffins, pancakes, and all of those other wonderfully unhealthy things to cook in the fall. So grab a pumpkin or two and get baking!

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