Friday, January 28, 2011

5 things I learned from RH of BH finale

1. 17,000 square feet for 2 people does not a cozy home make.
Lisa and her husband and hoping to "downsize" this year to a home where they don't need an intercom to find each other.

2. Botox and "fillers" are considered maintenance and not plastic surgery. Hmmm, maybe this is why so many celebrities claim no plastic surgery when they have obviously had some help in the wrinkle department.

3. Money can buy you $60,000 birthday parties for your 4 year old, but can't help you in the class department. As evidenced by Taylor, who, when backed into a corner told Kim to back off or she would go all Oklahoma on her. What does that even mean? I went to college in OK, have lots of friends in OK, yet no one has ever gone all Oklahoma on me. Whatever it is, it doesn't sound nice and made Taylor sound like a hick blond L.A. transplant.

4. Quiet girls look smart, loudmouthed girls look petty and shallow. Catty name calling and backhanded comments are even more unattractive on the 40+ crowd than they are on the playground. Kudos to Adrienne who has obviously learned that sitting quietly with your mouth shut is the quickest way to look like you have the most intelligence of the group.

5. I have much less, but infinitely much more than any of those women. I will never have a personal chef, house manager, a butler or a nanny (unless her name is Sara). My identity is not secured by my clothes, my home or possessions, or my ability to look 15 years younger. What I do have is the knowledge that God loves me and He alone holds the reins to my past, present, and future. And that makes me feel like the richest housewife ever.


Amy said...

Oh, you make me laugh. I can't handle 'reality' tv, unless it's Project Runway, but I love reading your posts!! Hope you guys end up enjoying the snow day. :)

Party of Five said...

Thanks Amy! I hope you guys are on your way to being well! It sure has been a loooong winter.