Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Clearly, we have a problem

One thing I love about our kitchen is the large window right over my sink that looks out into our backyard. It's so nice to be able to keep an eye on the kids when they are playing. We also have a covered deck and french doors right off the kitchen. This area has become Nathan's favorite playground. Usually after dinner when he is a mess, he gets stripped down and gets to spend time on the deck while I clean up the kitchen.

It's a lot of time spent contemplating going down the steps and hanging out with the cat.

A lot of time spent testing the boundaries of those steps.

A lot of time spent walking around with a puffed out chest because he is a male and it is a well known male bylaw that you must walk with your chest extended as far as possible at all times.

Then there is time spent running to the french door to be sure that mom is watching all of the action.

Occasionally, there is time spent pleading for attention.

While this is great fun for the little man, it creates a teensy, weensy problem.

Clearly, it's a problem only a bottle of Windex can solve.

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