Monday, August 31, 2009

For the love of tomatoes

This spring, we constructed a small raised garden. When trying to determine what we would plant there, the one vegetable (fruit?) everyone in the family could agree upon was tomatoes. We all love tomatoes. We ended up planting about 5 different varieties and hoped for the best. We thought we might get around 50 tomatoes or so. Then we had crazy spring weather with tons and tons of rain. Oh well, so much for the tomatoes, we thought. Ha! Starting in July, we began to harvest some of these little gems. Cherry tomatoes, beefsteak tomatoes, we love them all. By the middle of July, we were getting about 20 tomatoes a day off of those plants. When the heat came, we thought well, that was fun, let's do it again next year. But these plants have been the most resilient things. Here is a sample of what we are pulling off of these plants everyday. In August.

We are giving them away left and right because we just can't keep up. We eat some everyday, but I think we are all just a little weary of tomatoes. Be careful what you plant, you just might get a TON!

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