Friday, August 7, 2009

Headed back to Stars Hollow

I took a vacation this summer. Sure, I went to St. Louis and a few places closer to home, but that's not the type of vacation I am talking about. Nope, I took a vacation from Stars Hollow, home of the Gilmore Girls. I spent all winter and spring in Stars Hollow with Lorelei and Rory. It was a great place to be. Then came the dreaded end of Season 6. You see, I only have one season left. One more season of Luke and Sookie, Emily and Richard, Logan (please, don't let her stay with Logan - whatever happened to Marty at Yale? He was great!), Paris, Taylor, and Miss Patty. I love these people like they were my own neighbors. Actually, I wish they were my neighbors! I would love to have a cute little diner to walk to where everyone knows you and your business. And if it had an ice cream shop attached with a huge see through window occupied by a very bossy and controlling mayor, it would be just perfect. Lorelei and Rory have seen me through sleepless nights with a newborn, countless hours of mundane ironing and many rainy Sunday afternoons. I have had Season 7 DVDs sitting on top of my DVD player for 3 months now. I just can't bring myself to finish because I'm not sure what will replace them. Who will entertain me while I iron? The View? Absolutely not. Oprah? I don't think so. Lost is just too heavy and requires too much attention. American Idol is just too loud. Dancing with the Stars is too bright and shiny. No, only Gilmore Girls will do, and I am tempted just to start the whole series over. Thankfully, I have remained relatively unspoiled for Season 7 (amazing since the show ended years ago) and I think I am finally ready to finish the journey. There a huge pile of laundry and ironing waiting for me and I think it's time for me to return. Yep, today, I am going back to Stars Hollow!

1 comment:

Valerie said...

You already know my love for the Gilmore Girls. Thank goodness a friend introduced me to them a couple of years ago -- now I can't imagine life without them. Sad, but true. I totally wish I could climb into the TV and live there. The good news is that even when you finish the series, you can always go back and start over, it's just as good the second time around...and third...and fourth, I would suspect...