Friday, August 28, 2009

For the love of blueberries

It's no secret that I love blueberries. Especially fresh blueberries. I love blueberry smoothies, blueberry muffins, blueberries in cereal, plain blueberries, blueberry get the idea. So when I came across this recipe for fresh blueberry pie, I had to give it a shot. It was surprisingly easy with very few ingredients and a tasty outcome full of yummy antioxidant goodness.

I would suggest serving it slightly warm with a side of homemade vanilla ice cream. Thank goodness I brought this to a party or I would have eaten the entire pie.

Absolutely no leftovers either so there was no opportunity to show a cut piece of the pie. You'll just have to trust me that it was divine.

Today, as I was making yet another batch of blueberry muffins, this time experimenting with a healthier version using blended oats, flax seed and canola oil, I overheard Avery telling her sister, "I like these muffins, I just don't like the blueberry part." Clearly, this is her father speaking. Any child with decent taste buds knows the blueberries are the best part. I have some work ahead of me....

We have had some entertaining times around our household lately. With the girls starting school last week, the "playground stories" have started rolling in. We laugh so much at dinner time about all of their little social interactions. Hopefully I will get to share some of those here soon. We also spent the weekend at a local lake recently where I got some really fun pics of the girls and their first tubing experience.

For now, I will leave with a quick video of Nathan showing his new dancing skills. He loves music and has recently starting learning how to shake his groove thing. Please ignore the shirt/dress. It served as pajamas on a very bad laundry day. As soon as I find the laundry queen and drag her away from the computer, the boy will have some appropriate attire. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Valerie said...

You know I am loving this post, although you have now left me defenseless as I am craving some blueberry pie and there is nothing like that here in my house!!! Your post made the song "Blueberry Pie" (Bette Midler) pop up in my head, too. And it also reminded me of our beloved Pioneer Woman and her food pictures. Keep these comin'!