Friday, November 7, 2008

Giving up on Grey's Anatomy and hope for the future

Ok, so two events have transpired recently that have given me some small sliver of hope for this nation that everyone assumes is going into the trash.

Yes, Obama has won the election and we do not know what this means for our future in terms of taxes, health care and Supreme Court justices. All we can do is pray. However, several issues DID NOT pass on Tuesday that are so very encouraging. California did not vote to uphold marriages by same-sex partners. Wow. If there ever was a state where this would pass, you would think it would be California. Now Ellen DeGeneres is pretty hopping mad and people are protesting all over the place. But you can't argue with the facts. People voted AGAINST this. Why? Because it is wrong and people still care about the institution of marriage. It's how God designed us. Man and woman. No matter how you try to "undefine" it, this is God's perfect plan and no matter of man's rules will change that. Yea for California! Also, Arkansas voted to uphold the law that only a heterosexual, married couple may adopt foster children. What a great thing to know that 2 homosexual men cannot adopt a little girl and raise her in their home. I cannot imagine what a skewed sense of identify that would impress upon a child. Priase God for people who still have values and are not afraid to vote for them!

Now, on to Grey's. I have loved this show since Season 1, Episode 1. Yes, the earlier seasons were the best, but I have now invested so much time, I intended to stick it out through the bad times. Of course, this show does not promote the best morals, but such is the majority of network TV. However, I could see the writing on the wall in the spring when a lesbian kiss was shared during the season finale. I was hoping that story line would fizzle out this fall, but of course not. It was pushed and shamelessly promoted. The decision was made to finally cut this garbage out of my life. I cannot vote against something and then turn around and invite it into my home every Thursday night. So here is saying good bye to Meredith, McDreamy, George, Izzy, Alex and Christina. You were fun for a while, but Callie and Erica have been the nails in your coffin. (Of course, now due to "lack of chemistry" or the more realistic "falling ratings", Erica has been fired and is now leaving the show - putting an end to this lesbian story line. Interesting, could the "falling ratings" be contributed to others not putting up with this garbage as well? Sorry, ABC - too little, too late.) And guess what? I haven't missed this AT ALL. Makes me wonder what else I can eliminate from my "schedule" that would go unnoticed? Hmmm....

By the way, I won't apologize for this post and say, "Gee, I'm sorry, I hope I haven't offended anyone....". First of all, I am not deluded to think that anyone actually reads this, and secondly, if you are someone who is offended by being confronted with the Truth, then I will pray for you, but not apologize.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I am so right there with ya. I've really contemplated this issue as well and I think I'm going to join with you in the ban. I must admit that it will be hard but for me it will be the right thing to do as well. I guess more cop shows for me.