Saturday, November 22, 2008

Just Gross!

If you are at all squeamish, feel free to skip this post! I promise you won't miss anything important. However, I have to document this because I keep coming back to the primary goal of my blog. You see, I am a scrapbooker. I used to be an AVID scrapbooker. Now I am just am every now and then type of scrapbooker. But one day, I will have a little more time and will be more dedicated to my hobbies. This blog is to be used to help me remember all of the little things that my kids have done or said along with all of the holidays and birthdays that need to be documented. So I simply cannot pass up this little jewel. We will be talking about it for sure when little Nathan is grown...

So, I nursed Nathan last night and he was just not ready to go to sleep. He was quite playful and chatty as he's learned to say dadadadada over and over and over and over. He was laying in our bed playing, but since he is king of the rollover right now, I passed him to Marty so I could go brush my teeth and get ready for bed. They were playing and I heard much giggling and then I heard, "SHANNON!!!!! GET OVER HERE!!!!! I NEED HELP!!!!" Well I stayed pretty calm and wandered back to the bed and couldn't see anything immediately wrong - Nathan was fine, a little worried, but okay physically. Marty wasn't hurt, what was the big deal? Marty was wiping his face with Nathan's burp cloth when he finally clued me in. Apparantly, he was holding Nathan up above him (which would explain the giggling) when Nathan spit up - RIGHT INTO MARTY'S MOUTH!!! Poor Marty didn't see it coming until it was too late. I thought he was going to throw up. Nothing like warm reguritated breast milk for your midnight snack. It makes me gag a little right now just thinking about it. Sorry kid, I don't think your dad is ever going to let you forget about the time you spit breast milk into his mouth. Now that's a story for a scrapbook, right? :)

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I think I've seen that on America's Funniest Home Videos. Thank goodness it hasn't happened to me!